Average Students & World Changers: What defines them?

Several months ago at around the month of April 2022, we had the opportunity to interview some of the core members of the ZCAS Economics and Business Association Executive.

 Filled with all sorts of insights and perspectives shared on different matters, one question stands out today in particular and it has to deal with distinguishing between World changers stand and average students.

Collins Mudenda Tsikanwe, Projects coordinator of the association stated that he believes exposure is the key. Citing that even though a student was to have an idea or concept, their outreach would be very limited or even fall upon deaf ears. But with World changers, through means such as social media platforms, an individual with a large following can influence discussions and narratives on any topic they feel like with ease due to the high social status they possess.

How many people are interested in you when you’re just a mere student? But then the world changers, they’ve got platforms such as Instagram with 500, 000 followers and once they share something, 500,000 people see and share those things.”

Thokozani Phiri, the then association Publication Secretary came after him with a different perspective by stating that

“I think for me it’s more than that. I really truly believe that anyone can be a world changer I believe any student can have a vision...

We all have visions and dreams but it’s another thing to actually implement them. For example if I say I want to be an ‘A’ student, and be recognized by Universities beyond Zambia, I will put in the work, I’ll do more cause there is a mark that differentiates an A student and an average student right? So the A student is going to the lecturer, asking questions, reading more, researching more than what’s in the classroom so that’s what  distinguishes the two…”

She went on further by highlighting how people have different goals in life, stating that while some are comfortable with the bare minimum, others strive to be overachievers. Concluding that beyond exposure, vision and implementation also play a role.

Subulwa J. Sitimela, the association President concluded by building on the two previous statements , first stating that he would not want to sound over confident by calling himself an over achiever and neither would he want to be an Average student. 

He complemented the two points by citing how to align and use them, by giving an illustration where students could all see that their school could do better in a particular area but how many of them are actually thinking over and working on ways to solve the problem?   

Going further, in spite of having come up with a potential solution, how much exposure does one have? Are they interacting with the right individuals to air out their views?

“I think that’s the difference between an average student and a world changer, we are all here to get the education, get the Degree but are you working beyond those aspirations, are you doing research? Are you speaking to people, are you exposing yourself, are you exposing them to your ideas? I think that’s where the difference is.”

A lot more was talked about during the interview but this is where we end our journey today.

What are your views on the Executive members’ perspectives? How many of the attributes discussed do you think you possess? What are your own subjective views on Average students and world changers?

Also, are there any expectations you may have for the incoming executive of 2023 being inaugurated that got inaugurated during the Budget Analysis event on the 2nd of November? Let us know in the comments section.

Interview Conducted by Shannon Claxton.



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