Having been founded in 2019, the ZCAS University Law association was established to be a helping hand and a friend to the ZCAS law community on their journey through law school. It is a community of established and aspiring lawyers who as stated in their slogan "UNA STAMUS IN EXCELLENTIA" (TOGETHER IN EXCELLENCE), stand and work alongside each other as a team-oriented association aiming to inculcate Excellence, Integrity, and togetherness within all law students in all their doings through a spirit of family.

Nonetheless, the association does have open arms towards the rest of the student populous and it does this through various activities that stimulate interactions between law and non-law students. Good examples would be debates and Quizzes that are held openly with all students regardless of academic major welcome to spectate, discuss and share their views on different topics and gain a wider perspective on various legal concepts.

Besides the main Executive leadership of the President, Vice president as well as the Secretary, Treasurer and their respective Vices, it is important to note that the association has four committees each allotted a specific task.

Namely, the committees consist of the Mentorship committee, Moot committee, Publication committee and the Events and Fundraising committee with both the committees and the Executive forming a leadership structure known as the ‘Senate.’

There are various career development skills the association has to offer. These range from networking opportunities, critical comprehension of the law, as well as good debate and analytical skills from moot courts. 

You will also have the opportunity to improve on your legal writing, and public speaking skills, with all of these things simply helping echo the sentiments of The ZCAS-U school of Law H.O.D, Mr. Douglas Rolls who on occasion likes to say that "Lawyers are wordsmiths".

In the interview conducted with the main executive, the female-led  team mentioned that what they would like to do differently is bring inclusivity to the association from pre-law to 4th-year as a singular body to speak the same language and work together. Mentioned ways of making this happen were by having the association reorganize and tap into new grounds such as:

1. Starting a law journal for students to critically engage and contribute to national and International Topics.

2. Collaborate closely with other legal practitioners and bodies.

3. Inaugural quizzes and debates.

4. Participating in national and international moot competitions

5. Collaborate and interact more with other associations within the school.


The Executive would also like to see more interactions with the Student Law Association of Zambia (SLAZ) and the Law Association of Zambia (LAZ), all in an attempt to boost the integrity and stature of the young and upcoming group.

They also wish to commend the previous Executive for the work that they did, in spite of the challenges faced such as the social handicaps experienced from the Covid -19 Pandemic. They recognised that leadership is not an easy task as they highlighted how the previous Executive were able to come together and amend the association’s constitution, bringing about success and progress to the group.

Special thanks is also given out for their outlining of the path toward leadership and the guidance given to help the current Executive, as they attempt to take the torch of leadership farther than their predecessors.

If you are interested in joining or contacting the association, you may reach them through their social media platforms on;

Facebook: The ZCAS Law association and   Instagram @ zcas _law_association .


Thank you for your time.

Written by Joy .L. Munkombwe


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